Business and all the feels ❤️

Aug 31, 2021

I've closed the doors of two businesses in the last 6 years and the feeling couldn't have been more different when comparing one with the other.

When I locked the front door of my Ella Bache salon for the last time five and half years ago, it was truly a day of celebration.. and celebrate we did 🥂 I had fallen out of love with that business long before I had the courage to close it, so when I finally did it was in celebration that it was over!

Then fast forward 5 years to February this year when my bestie and I decided to close the (virtual) door of our SheKan business, the feeling was very very different.

Making the decision to end something when we still loved it was not simple nor easy, even when we both knew the time was right. There was and is so much to love about SheKan - being on stage together, working with incredible women, changing peoples lives, travel, laughing til we cried and crying til we laughed, Prosecco, farts, stories and most importantly a shit tonne of fun.

The final celebration is still yet to come with our last event in November then we will lock the door together for one last time and celebrate 🥂

One thing we know for sure is that whilst the SheKan chapter comes to a close, our friendship will be a whole damn book and we will continue to write until the end of time.

How looking at old photos can be so nostalgic!

P.S. 16 years ago today I opened my first business - where does the time go 😱

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