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Elevate & Align Mastermind:
Elevate your success, align with purpose & breakthrough to the next level.

At the heart of your business and life is something unmistakable: the power of your vision & values. I believe that when you align with your unique strengths and design, your business becomes an unstoppable force for impact. Elevate & Align Mastermind is designed to help you embrace transformation and change, by aligning your actions with your purpose, ensuring that your life and business become the ultimate reflection of your purpose.

If you're here, I know you’re an ambitious, driven woman who’s ready for sustainable growth and lasting change.

But maybe, after adopting other coaches and people's strategies, systems, and approaches, you still feel like something is off. You’re stuck in cycles of doubt, procrastination, confusion, or even resistance. You question whether you're moving in the right direction or if you’re really tapping into your fullest potential. It feels like you’re doing "all the things" yet you're not getting the results you deserve.

You crave clarity—not just around your genius but around your bigger vision: Who are you truly here to impact? What makes you different? And most importantly, how can you embody that without sacrificing your authenticity?

You’re seeking personalised direction, practical steps, and a way of working that aligns with who you are and how you operate best. You want to feel empowered, excited, and confident knowing your strategy and actions are aligned with your values, vision, purpose & priorities!

Your Human Design holds the blueprint...

Imagine this…

Three months from now, you’re crystal clear on your path ahead. The self-doubt, procrastination, and overthinking that once held you back? Gone. Instead, you’re certain and excited in the boldness of your vision, fully embracing the uniqueness that once felt like a burden.

You’ve overcome the resistance that kept you playing small, and your business is led with alignment, purpose, and ease. You’ve broken through to your next level, make decisions confidently, and you’ve finally embraced your true contribution to the world.

The Elevate & Align Mastermind is your invitation to move beyond fear, hesitation, and confusion—and step into the limitless potential that awaits you when you live aligned with your Human Design, expand your mindset, and honour your unique path.

It’s time to stop playing by the rules that don’t serve you and start creating your own.

Are you ready to elevate your business, and leadership? Let’s go beyond surface-level success and into deep, sustainable growth—all while staying aligned with who you truly are.


Who is this for?

Elevate & Align Mastermind is designed for ambitious, purpose-driven women—innovators, creatives, entrepreneurs, and leaders—who are ready to break free from the one-size-fits-all strategies and shape their own path toward sustainable growth and aligned success.

This is for you if you’re tired of feeling stuck, uninspired, or out of alignment. You know deep down there’s more for you, but the conventional methods no longer resonate. Instead, you’re ready to step boldly into your power, embracing your unique strengths and leading with authenticity.

Whether you're at a crossroads in your business or seeking to refine your vision, this mastermind is for those who crave clarity, direction, and confidence. You’re ready to create a business that reflects your truth and to become the bold, empowered business woman you were always meant to be.

Limited to 10 women only!

What is Elevate & Align?

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Elevate & Align is a powerful, three-tiered approach focused on:




We deep dive into your Human Design unlocking your strengths, gifts, and unique way of operating in life and business. This provides the foundation to elevate your vision and purpose, ensuring that your path is aligned with your highest potential and core values. 

With clarity around your design, we’ll focus on leveraging your strengths and overcoming resistance. This step is about breaking through any patterns of confusion, doubt, or overwhelm that have been holding you back, so you can step into your power with confidence and ease.

The final piece is strategic planning and growth. We’ll map out a clear, actionable plan that aligns with your values and is sustainable for the long-term. No more second-guessing or trying to fit into a model that doesn’t work for you—this is about creating a path forward that feels authentic, and aligned with how you naturally thrive.

You’ll also benefit from my nearly 20 years of business experience and my proven strengths in innovation, clarity, and structure. Together, we’ll transform any confusion, chaos, or overwhelm into order and clear, focused direction. Our work is grounded in ensuring that every action you take and your entire business ecosystem is aligned with your values, built for long-term sustainability, and operates with the highest integrity—ultimately delivering an exceptional customer experience.

Whether you’re feeling stuck, navigating uncertainty, or ready for a fresh start, the Elevate & Align Mastermind will help you move from hesitation to unshakable confidence, giving you the clarity to take aligned, empowered & BOLD action.

We’ll approach this transformation holistically, using Human Design, mindset mastery, and strategic growth to support you in creating the life and business you truly desire.


What's included?

  • 3 x Monthly Group Sessions for collaborative learning and strategy with other ambitious women.

  • 3 x 1:1 Sessions with me to get personalised strategy and guidance ensuringyou stay on track and overcome obstacles.

  • 3 x Monthly Group Accountability + Q&A Sessions to stay accountable and get clarity on your next steps.

  • Community Support via App to connect with a supportive group of women navigating the same journey.

  • Exclusive Resources including tools and strategies to implement immediately.

  • Access to a Private Portal with your own login, to access session recordings and exclusive resources.


What we'll cover.

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Throughout the mastermind, we’ll focus on the key pillars that will elevate and align your business with your purpose, weaving Human Design into every aspect of your growth journey.

Month 1: Vision, Values, Purpose + Priorities

  • Gain clarity around your bigger vision and business goals
  • Align your values and purpose with your business model
  • Identify your true priorities and create a roadmap for aligned success
  • Start integrating your Human Design to make authentic, strategic decisions

Month 2: Leverage Strengths + Overcoming Resistance

  •  Uncover the unique strengths revealed in your Human Design and learn how to leverage them in your business
  •  Unpack and overcome resistance that’s been holding you back
  •  Learn how to get unstuck and move past procrastination with confidence
  •  Build confidence, expand your capacity to be seen and trust fully in the value of your unique gifts.

Month 3: Strategic Planning & Growth

  •  Create a personalised strategy for sustainable growth in your business
  •  Develop a clear plan for the next steps, ensuring alignment with your goals
  •  Integrate your Human Design fully to support long-term success
  •  Be ready to breakthrough to your next level in business with clarity

Elevate & Align Mastermind doors reopen on Monday 10th February 2025.

The Investment.

Your investment for Elevate & Align Mastermind is $2497 AUD.

You can choose to pay in full or opt for weekly or monthly installments via the button below.

There are no additional fees for choosing installment payments.

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Why work with me?


If we haven’t met yet—Hi, I’m Kell, a transformative business leader, innovator, and guide for ambitious women ready to embrace growth and transformation in their businesses and lives. With nearly 20 years of experience building and leading five businesses, I know firsthand what it takes to create sustainable growth and deep fulfilment.

But I’ve also walked the path of frustration and burnout, where success feels like it comes at the expense of your well-being. That’s why I’m deeply passionate about helping women like you realign their business models with their values, vision, purpose, and priorities for the season of life they’re in—so you can thrive without sacrificing your joy or integrity.

My approach is grounded in clarity, innovation, and structure, and my clients describe me as a catalyst for transformation, providing the tools to turn chaos, confusion, and overwhelm into order and clear direction. Through my unique blend of Human Design, strategic growth, and mindset mastery, I help leaders and business owners overcome resistance, gain clarity, and create strategies that align with their values and strengths.

What sets me apart isn’t just my years of experience or my success in building businesses; it’s my ability to guide you through change with compassion, discernment, and a bold vision for your future. I don’t believe in forcing you into a mold or following someone else’s playbook. Instead, I support you in crafting your own path, ensuring that every step you take is aligned with who you truly are and what you genuinely want to achieve.

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I’ve led women all over Australia through masterminds, live events, retreats, and 1:1 coaching, helping them break free from the one-size-fits-all business models that drain their energy. I empower them to lead with authenticity and confidence, create businesses that are ethically grounded and sustainable, and take action that reflects their true values. I live by the mantra that your business should serve your life, not the other way around.

On a personal note, I’m a mum to teenagers, and my life has been a series of pivots—whether it’s closing one business and opening another, relocating states, or stepping into new levels of leadership. I’ve learned that success and fulfilment come from embracing change and creating strategies that align with your evolving priorities. And that’s exactly what I help my clients do.

I’m based on the beautiful Gold Coast, Australia, where I draw inspiration from the ocean, and it’s from here that I get to support women like you to realign your businesses, live with purpose, and lead with integrity. Let’s create a business that not only thrives but feels deeply aligned with who you are and the impact you’re here to make.

Ready to Align Your Vision and Elevate Your Business?

Step boldly into your next level of growth with the Elevate & Align Mastermind. If you're ready to turn clarity into action and build a business that thrives with integrity and purpose, now is your time. Spaces are limited to 10 women only! Your transformation awaits.



When can I join the Elevate & Align Mastermind?
Enrollment opens at specific times throughout the year, and spots are limited to 10! If the doors are open now, you can enrol immediately, if not, join the waitlist to be notified for the next round.
When are the live sessions?
We meet for live group sessions twice each month, and the timing is designed to accommodate different time zones as much as possible. If you can’t attend live, no worries! All sessions are recorded, and replays will be uploaded to your private portal, so you can catch up at your own pace. You can also submit questions in advance, and they’ll be answered during the sessions (and timestamped for easy reference).
What if I have questions in between the live calls?
You’ll have ongoing support through our community app, where you can ask questions anytime. Whether you need clarification, feedback, or guidance between sessions, you’ll always have access to a supportive group of women and myself for real-time insights and accountability.
How will the private 1:1 sessions work?
Your 1:1 sessions are designed to provide you with personalised strategy and guidance, helping you stay aligned with your vision and overcome any roadblocks. You will schedule these based on your availability on the available 1:1 session days, to ensure you get the most out of our time together, and each session will focus on your unique needs and goals.
What if I’m new to Human Design, is this mastermind for me?
Absolutely. Whether you’re new to Human Design or have some experience, the Elevate & Align Mastermind is crafted to meet you where you are. You’ll receive the guidance you need to understand how your design supports your business and leadership, plus you’ll have access to exclusive resources to deepen your understanding along the way.
How long do I have access to the mastermind resources?
You’ll have access to all session recordings, resources, and exclusive tools in the private portal for the duration of the mastermind, with an additional month after completion. Even after the program concludes, you can revisit the materials to continue applying the strategies to your evolving business.
How will I apply what I learn to my existing business?
The Elevate & Align Mastermind is all about creating alignment between your values, strengths, and business strategy. You’ll leave with a clear, actionable plan that integrates the principles of Human Design and personalised strategies for growth. Whether you’re looking to expand your current offerings, refine your business model, or take on new leadership roles, this program provides the tools to help you thrive.
What is the time commitment?
The time you’ll need to dedicate each week depends on the transformation you’d like to achieve in your business. Group sessions are held twice per month, and the 1:1 sessions are scheduled based on your availability. In addition, there are Q&A sessions and resources available for deeper learning. Most members set aside a few hours each week for reflection, implementation, and engagement. Then it's the action you take in your business.
What is the investment? Are payment plans available?
The investment for the Elevate & Align Mastermind is $2297 AUD. We offer flexible weekly and monthly payment plans to make this experience as accessible as possible (with no additional fees). Your first payment grants you immediate access to the portal and community. All prices are in AUD. If an extended payment plan is required please reach out. 
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