Empowered Purpose Session

Empowered Purpose Human Design Session

When booking your Human Design you will be asked to supply me with your specific birth date, birth time, and place of birth - along with any specifics you’re hoping to discover in the session.

  • THE LIVE READING: A 90-minute session if you've already explored Human Design or have had a reading and want to dive into the energetics of your unique purpose and message.

  • You’ll be emailed a recording of the call so you can download & watch again and again.

  • AFTER THE READING: You’ll also receive a comprehensive Guidebook detailing the key elements of your chart as a ‘cheat sheet’ you can refer to quickly.

Please note: It’s important that your DOB and all data entered is correct at time of purchase. If you are unsure of your specific time of birth, please provide as accurate as possible window of time. If you don’t have an accurate window of time, please get in touch so we can chat prior to booking your reading - as this is very important for accuracy of your blueprint.